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Full Quran Pdf

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F rom online qualified at the comfort of your home! Learn Quran Menu >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >>. News & Updates Watch videos at our YouTube Channel..

New recently uploaded Holy Quran Translations videos at DailyMotion Blogs! > Quran speaks to mankind on general basis without regard to race, tribe, color, social, financial condition. > Do they not then earnestly seek to understand the Quran, or their hearts locked up by them? > Do you enjoin right conduct on people & forget yourselves > Those truly fear God, among his Servants have knowledge: for God is Exalted in Might, Oft-Forgiving. > Quran learning become first, best & the largest Quran Academy > Now Learn Online How to Read and Recite The Holy Quran Properly!. Learn Quran Online - Download Quran In PDF The () is the eternal and literal word of GOD. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) received these divine revelations over a period of 23 years in the seventh century of the Common Era.

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Al Quran Pdf Free Download

Each revelation was written down by the Prophet's scribes according to the Prophet's instructions. The current order and organization into the 114 chapters (surahs) of the entire revelations were therefore given to us by the Prophet himself. Additionally, the Prophet and many fellow Muslims (sahabah) had committed the entire to memory. The practice of memorizing the whole Quran continued throughout the centuries. There are thousands of such Muslims who, known as Hafiz, usually one for each Mosque in Muslim countries. Copyright © Iqra Inc. All Rights Reserved .