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Expiration Date On Keebler Crackers

Expiration Date On Keebler Crackers Rating: 5,6/10 4480 votes
Expiration Date On Keebler Crackers
  1. Expiration Date On Keebler Crackers Recipe

I bought a 13.7 oz of Ritz crackers that had an expiration date of 2DEC15. I bought them in early October and they were flat and stale, not the usual flavor of Ritz crackers.

Keebler animal crackers expiration date

Expiration Date On Keebler Crackers Recipe

You should set your expiration date back in order to assure that your customers get a good quality product. I have always enjoyed your product in the past, but will be concerned to buy them unless the use by date is at least 6 months away. It would be nice to receive a coupon from Ritz to pay me back for crackers I threw in the trash. Palma Espinosa Reason of review: Bad quality. Monetary Loss: $3.